Honhar Beti

AIMJF running various Schemes to help girls in the community. The purpose is to educate and make girl child into a Women – Worldly wise and ready to take on life at full steam.

Honhar Beti Course Objectives :

  1. Meant for Girls and Women of age 14 years upwards.
  2. A complete training for leading a confident life, at home and at in-laws.
  3. Be gracious at home and at social gatherings

Honhar Beti Curriculum :

  1. Household Activities
  2. Self & Family Care, Family Welfare
  3. Self Confidence & Communication Skills
  4. Technology
  5. Good House Keeping
  6. Beauty & Health
  7. Personality Development
  8. Home Science

Form Submission : Duly completed form to be submitted through Dy Vice President of AIMJF

  1. Recommendation from local Halai Memon Jamat
  2. Recommendation from Regional Zonal Secretary/Dy Vice President /Vice President of AIMJF

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